Lynnzie by Sam Rambo |
"Can I steal your boy for bit?" Jack asked her. "I promise we won't be long."
"Sure," she smiled. "I'm sure I can amuse myself. But hurry back, I want to dance."
She found a spot near the bar and settled in to watch the band. The singer was captivating in a long red dress and jet black hair with a sexy, soulful voice that made her hips sway. So entranced by the music, she didn't notice Mr A approaching until his hands rested on her hips and his lips were at her ear.
"God you are sexy, I could watch you all night."
"I would rather you dance with me," she turned to face him.
"My pleasure," his eyes were gleaming as he took her into his arms easily and moved her onto the dance floor smoothly. The song was slow and sexy, just perfect for the kind of dancing they both had in mind. His hand pressed into her lower back, pulling her in so that she could feel him growing against her. He kissed her softly on the lips, then looked intently into her eyes.
"I've got a present for you," he grinned like a little boy who was up to no good. Her heart swelled and her pulse raced. She loved a playful Mr A.
Moments later he was leading her into a bathroom lit with candles. He pushed her against the door as it closed and he moved her arms above her head, pinning them there against the door. His mouth pressed firmly against hers, his tongue stroking hers before pulling her bottom lip into his mouth and sucking on it gently. Her leg started to weaken and his knee slid in between her legs, pushing firmly against the filmy lace of her white panties. As he continued to lick and suck at her mouth, she pushed against him seeking the pressure against her tingling clit. He had hardly touched her and she was already desperate to have him inside of her.
"Slow down, beautiful," he smiled against her open mouth. "I have plans for you."
He pulled away from her and let her hands fall to her sides, then dropped to his knees in front of her.
"Are you ready for your present?" he grinned up at her.
The sight of him smiling up at her caused her breath to stop for a moment.
"Yes," she replied slowly, wondering where this was going.
"We will need to get rid of these first," he slid his hands up her thighs and pulled down her panties. When he had helped her step out of them, he put them into his pocket. Out of his other pocket, he pulled a small black egg on a string.
"And now we need to get you ready for this," he held it up for her to see then handed it to her to hold.
He held her eyes as he pushed her dress up around her hips and spread her legs apart. She held her breath in anticipation, watching as his mouth closed in on her. She felt the tip of his tongue glide along the outer edges of her, circling her with lusty intent. She clasped the egg with one hand and his hair in the other as his tongue came closer and closer to its target. When it hit its mark, flicking lightly over the hardened nub of her clit she shuddered and felt her legs weaken. He pressed his tongue firmly against it and lifted her leg, letting it rest on his shoulder for support. She flattened herself against the door as his tongue circled her and moaned deeply when his finger slid into her easily. She came quickly, enjoying the intensity that this position provided. Before the waves of pleasure had even subsided, she felt his hand prying open her fingers, looking for the egg. Still on his knees, he pushed it into her and lowered her leg gently. After pulling her dress back down, he stood and kissed her deeply.
"Let's go and get another drink," he took her hand and led her back to the party.
Drinks in hand, they eased into a group and Mrs A found herself chatting with Jack when the band came on again.
"Shall we dance Mrs A?" Jack grinned at her.
Jack took control, he was a good dancer and moved confidently without showing off. The song changed to a slow, sultry number and as Jack adjusted their pace, she felt a low buzzing erupt inside of her. The egg had come to life. She looked around immediately for Mr A and found him leaning on the bar watching her and smiling. One hand held his drink and the other was in his pocket. He winked at her wickedly. Jack was talking to her and she had to make an effort to ignore the delicious and insistent buzzing to focus on the conversation. As they moved, she became very aware of his firm, warm hand on her hip. A vision of those hands on her bare hips caused her eyes to close momentarily and she could feel the heat rush to her face.
"You are looking particularly ravishing tonight, you know," Jack's eyes twinkled and his lips twitched as if fighting a grin.
"Thank you Jack, you-" her words left her and she froze momentarily as the buzzing intensified. Her fingers gripped him and her back stiffened. She fought to regain control quickly, but not quick enough.
"What's the matter beautiful?" Jack chuckled softly. "Cat got your tongue? Or should say egg got your tongue?"
Her eyes widened in surprise and then narrowed as she took it all in. They were dancing again now and the buzzing had altered yet again to a low pulsing.
"You cheeky bastard," she muttered. "You knew all along, didn't you?"
"Knew?" he laughed softly. "Yes, you could say that. It was my idea. I thought you two would like it."
She smiled reluctantly at him, still not sure if she should be embarrassed.
They danced for a few moments in silence before he spoke again.
"So do you like it?" he asked without looking at her, a grin still firmly in place. "Or am I in trouble yet again."
"Oh I like it," she smiled, eyebrow raised. "I like it so much that you'd better get my husband over here."
"Fair enough beautiful," Jack kissed her lightly on the head and then looked up and made eye contact with Mr A.
Mr A pulled her in close and she sighed as his lips brushed hers lightly. The egg was once again buzzing on high speed within her. Now that she was safely in his arms, she could fully appreciate the intense sensations as they moved slowly together to the music. Her hands longed to remove his shirt and expose his bare skin. She needed his lips on hers, wanted him inside of her. She felt him against her, hard and ready. Her eyes found his and saw the fire in them.
A moment later, she was following him into the same bathroom. The door had only just closed and he had her against it, kissing her deeply and pressing himself into her. She fumbled hastily with his shirt, finally opening it and running her hands over him. When her fingertips moved to undo his belt, he grabbed her wrists and moved her over to the sink, placing her hands on either side of it. He stood behind her and they looked at each other in the mirror. He pulled her dress up over her hips so that she was fully exposed and reached between her legs to remove the still buzzing egg. With that gone, there was nothing in his way. He bent her over the sink and she heard him undoing his belt. She gripped the sides of the sink and spread her legs, ready for him. When he pulled her onto him and she felt his hard, smooth cock slide easily into her, she couldn't help but groan. As he plunged into her with increasing force, she met his every thrust, greedily taking him in.
"Yes, yes, yes," she cried as she felt herself tighten around him. She held her breath as she braced herself for the wave that was coming. His fingers dug into her hips as he slammed into her one last time, pinning her there against him as filled her. She felt him throbbing within her, filling her as her own orgasm rolled through her and left her gasping for air.
When they had collected themselves enough to return to the party, they left the bathroom and made their way along the hallway. As they neared the stairs heading up to the bedrooms, Mr A stopped and looked back at her and then up the staircase.
"I don't know about you, but one egg is not quite enough for me," he pulled her close and nipped at her ear. "I'm still a bit hungry. What about you?"
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